Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Local business coupons

7 Ways to Increase your Web Site Profits Using Audio


Increase your web site profits by using audio. 7 different ways to make more profits.


1. Add Audio to Your Squeeze Pages
Squeeze pages, (or email capture pages) are entry pages to your web site designed specifically to capture your visitors email addresses. It has been proven that people may need to visit a web site up to seven times before they feel comfortable enough to buy something. Buy capturing their email address you can send them a series of emails with useful information which will make them want to visit your site again and again.
By adding and audio button to your squeeze page the opt-in rate could be increased to up to 60%. If you use squeeze pages try this out for your self. If you are not using squeeze pages – you should be.

2. Add Audio to Your Guarantees
If you have a guarantee on your sales page, adding an audio button along side will build the visitor's confidence and make their buying decision a lot easier. Hearing some one say that they will refund your money if you are not completely satisfied will be more believable than just reading it.

3. Put Audio Testimonials on Your web Site
Another way to build credibility to to get your clients or customers to record and audio testimonial. Either get them to record a testimonial on their PC and email it to you or if you use a service like AudioGenerator your clients/customers can dial a free phone number and record their testimonials over the telephone.
As with the guarantees and audio testimonial is far more believable than a written one which could easily be made up.

4. Record Interviews and Tele-seminars
A great way to increase your credibility and give yourself expert status is to record a tele-seminar or interview with an expert in your field. This recording you could sell or give away to your visitors or your subscribers.

5. Create Audio Products on CD
Putting audio products on CD gives them more perceived value. If you sell the audios that you have created as downloadable mp3s they will not have as much perceived value as if you sold them on a CD with nice packaging. To add even more value you can include a transcript of the audio on the CD.

6. Create Podcasts
Podcasts are downloadable mp3 audio files which are normally given away but can be sold as well. Podcasts can be promoted using RSS technology in much the same way as with blogs. People will come back to your web site to listen to your latest podcast and the content can encourage then to buy your products.

7. Produce Your Own Internet Radio Show
Finally to give yourself real expert status and credibility why not start your own online radio show specialising in your field. You could interview experts, record case studies and even conduct phone-ins

I hope this has given you some more ideas on how to use audio in increase your web site profits. The Internet is no longer silent!

Author: Roger Weavers

About Author:

Roger Weavers has been working in the computer industry since 1983 and has been involved with Internet marketing since 1997. He has a number of successful web sites from Web design and promotion to Spanish real estate.

Add Audio to your Web Site

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