Thursday, March 27, 2008

Business auto insurance

How To Make Money From Home With The Right Focus


As we begin a new year the natural thing to do is sit down and write out a few goals. The key is to set a couple of meaningful goals and the focus on doing whatever it takes to achieve them. Here's a few ways to do that.


As we begin a new year the natural thing to do is sit down and write out a few goals. Many of us will spend a lot of time writing goals in various categories of our lives and our internet marketing businesses.

Whether you are already making money online or looking for a new way to make money from home it is easy to get distracted if you set to many goals. The key is to set a couple of meaningful goals and the focus on doing whatever it takes to achieve them.

The main problem with focus when it comes to a home business on the internet is all of the interruptions that can come up. The first of those is email. The more you try to learn the more distracted you become.

If you subscribe to every newsletter a guru puts out you will soon find yourself reading about the next must have product. Sadly many of the internet marketing gurus spend more time promoting each other's products than they do actually helping you. So today focus on a couple of newsletters that you get good information from and unsubscribe from the rest.

Next of all take a step back and decide if you have a really good program or product that you can make money from home with. Do you have one that you believe in and can get that belief across on a web page or an autoresponder email. If so then do not keep looking for anymore right now. Focus on making money with what you already have. There is not going to be anything better at this time. As soon as you realize that you can get started actually making money and not spending anymore looking for the magic answer.

Lastly ask yourself this question and answer it honestly. "Am I spending most of my time online promoting my products?" If you are not you can not expect to make money. You have to focus on advertising and promotion. No traffic means no sales. No sales means no income. No income means you go back to the old cycle of not focusing.

Spending your time looking and not working means you are not focusing. If you want to make money from home you cannot do this. Decide today to focus on making money with what you have. Spend a little time each week or month reading and learning from a couple of good online gurus and that is it. 6 months from now you will realize how well you are doing hitting this year's goals.

Author: Jeff Schuman

About Author:

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money online website for hundreds of make money ideas, articles, and opportunities.

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