Thursday, March 27, 2008

Illustrator business card templates

Your Secret Weapon to Online Success


Trying to make money online and find yourself in information overload and going in circles? You need a secret weapon...


What is holding YOU back from online success?

Have you started with one plan, method, ebook, guru, or website online and jumped to another before you finished the first? Always looking for that special trick or information that will jumpstart your success online?

Stop! You are not going anywhere that way but in circles! You will spend time and money and end up in information overload and frustration. You need to focus. Plan your work and work your plan until you have that plan completely finished. This is, however, much easier said than done. I have found a secret weapon to maintaining my focus long enough to see a project through without getting sidetracked by discouragement or the next new thing.

My secret weapon to online success is simple. Find a partner. A buddy. Someone who is as committed as you are to making money from home. You don't have to BE a partner in the sense of going into business together. What you need is someone to help you stay focused. To lift you up when you get discouraged. To cheer each small success and accomplishment and to help bring perspective to the failures and setbacks.

The right kind of partner can do this for you and you can return the favor and help them as well. The best place to find this person is online. Few people already have a friend that will be able to help them in this way because it takes someone who is also working on a business online to understand. If your partner is also working online, they will be more likely to be there when you need them whether you communicate by email or instant messaging. They will also understand the environment that you are working in.

Join some lists and forums that address the type of online business that you are interested in. Begin reading the posts and participating in discussions. Eventually, you will connect with someone. This may take a while. Obviously, you have to be cautious when developing relationships online. You want someone who is a positive, helpful and giving person. You can usually tell that by the way that someone posts to a list or forum. Be the kind of person you want to attract and sooner or later, it will happen.

Once you connect with someone who may be a good partner, let the relationship develop over time. It isn't something you can make happen. If you are out there participating and helping other people, it will come back to you, but you have to be patient. In the meantime, you will find a list or a forum that is helpful and this is almost as good as a partner.

You may have to connect with a number of people before the right partner emerges. Timing is everything. A person that seems too busy one day may come back weeks later and want to work with you. You may develop several partners who each help with different areas of your online business. Remember that while the purpose is to help you stay focused and on track, you will gain valuable input, feedback, suggestions and information in the process.

The secret to success online is staying focused and nothing will help you stay focused like the right online business success partner!

Author: Karen Davis

About Author:

Karen Davis found her secret success weapon in her partner, Cindy Cullen. Together, they help the members at their forum, find online success with ebooks, websites, blogs and Ebay.

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